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IAQ 2020: Indoor Environmental Quality Performance Approaches

Transitioning from IAQ to IEQ

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IAQ 2020: Indoor Environmental Quality Performance Approaches

Transitioning from IAQ to IEQ

May 4-6, 2022 | Athens, Greece


The conference is organized by ASHRAE and AIVC and will take place in Athens, Greece. The conference will also be the 9th TightVent and 7th venticool conference. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) has been the core of ASHRAE’S IAQ series of conferences for the past 30 years.  This conference will expand from Indoor Air Quality to Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ).  IEQ includes air quality, thermal comfort, acoustics, and illumination and their interactions.  The particular focus of this conference is on performance approaches including the metrics, systems, sensors and norms necessary to implement them.

Important Know Before You Go Information for:

In-Person Attendees        Virtual Attendees

  • Technical Program

    TECHNICAL PROGRAM >>  Updated April 28, 2022

    The IAQ 2020 Conference will be Hybrid. There will be 14 Livestreamed Sessions, including 6 Keynote Speeches.  In all, 120+ papers will be presented on all areas of indoor environmental quality, and they will be made available in the conference proceedings at the beginning of the conference. Four Workshops will be presented in-person at the conference. And, there will be live, virtual-only presentations by authors on a wide-range of topics for the benefit and interest of virtual-only attendees.

  • Livestreamed Sessions

    Wednesday, May 4
    All times below are listed in Eastern European Summer Time (GMT +3).

    9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Welcome, Keynote: Richard De Dear and Keynote: Mariana Figuiero
    11:15 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Livestream: Thermal Comfort Session 1
    1:45 p.m. – 2:20 p.m. Keynote, Cath Noakes
    2:45 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Livestream: Disaster and Pandemic Resilience and IEQ Session 1
    Virtual Only, Session 1: Disaster and Pandemic Resilience and IEQ
    4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Livestream: Interactions Between IEQ Parameters Session 2
    Virtual Only, Session 2: Performance Metrics

    Thursday, May 5

    8:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. Keynote, Dr. Benjamin Jones
    9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Livestream: Ventilation Sessions 2
    Virtual Only, Session 3: IEQ Assessment
    11:15 a.m. – 12:45 p.m. Livestream: Occupant Behavior / Policy and Standards Session 1
    Virtual Only, Session 4: Health and Well-Being
    1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Keynote, Philomena Bluyssen
    2:45 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Livestream: Smart Controls, Smart Sensors, and Big Data Session 3
    Virtual Only, Session 5: Interactions Between IEQ Parameters
    4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Livestream: Airtightness Session 2
    Virtual Only, Session 6: Interactions Between IEQ Parameters, Smart Controls, Smart Sensors, & Big Data

    Friday, May 6

    8:30 a.m. – 9:15 a.m. Keynote, Stephanie Taylor MD
    9:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Livestream: Health and Well-Being Paper Session 2
    Virtual Only, Session 7: Ventilation
    11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Livestream: Performance Metrics Session 1
    Virtual Only, Session 8: Thermal Comfort

    Registration – OPEN NOW! Rate
    ASHRAE Member In-person $  550.00
    Non Member In-person $  600.00
     Starting April 16th    Rate 
    Member In-person $  600.00
    Non Member In-person $  650.00
    Virtual Only Attendee Rate
    ASHRAE Member Virtual Only $ 500.00
    Non-Member Virtual Only $ 550.00
    Other Rate
    Student In-person $  300.00
    Student Virtual Only $ 75.00
    Speaker $  450.00

  • Commitment to Care

    Commitment to Care

    In Advance of the Conference
    • Review and prepare for local agencies policies regarding travel and events in Greece, as well as your country of origin’s requirements for return travel.
    • All participants must register and “accept” ASHRAE’s liability waiver to attend the conference.
    • Many local establishments require proof of vaccination or COVID-19 recovery upon entry. Valid forms of document include a certificate of vaccination against Covid-19, a certificate of recovery from COVID-19 or a negative result to a molecular PCR test for Covid-19, taken within 72 hrs. Details can be found here.
    At the Conference
    • Masks are required indoors, during sessions, meetings or any conference gathering per local mandates.
    • Disposable masks will be available for attendees at the conference registration desk.
    • Color-coded lanyards will be available for attendees to add to their name badge to communicate their level of comfort regarding physical distance preferences.
               o Red: Please keep your distance
               o Yellow: Elbow/fist bumps are ok
               o Green: Handshakes/hugs are welcome
    After the Conference
    • If an attendee tests positive for COVID-19 within 14 days of leaving the conference, the attendee must notify ASHRAE staff immediately.
    • ASHRAE will communicate to attendees if needed up until 14 days after the last day of the conference.
    Last Update: April 12, 2022   
  • Keynote Speakers

    Philomena Bluyssen
    Professor of Indoor Environment, TU Delft


    All You Need to Know about IEQ and the SenseLab

    Research shows that, even when conditions comply with current standards for indoor environmental quality (IEQ), staying indoors is not good for our health. IEQ is described with quantitative dose-related indicators, expressed in numbers and/or ranges of numbers for each of the factors. Stressors and factors, whether of a psychological, physiological, personal, social or environmental nature, are rarely considered, let alone differences in needs and preferences of individual occupants. Lack of knowledge combined with improper use of available data hampers creating a healthy and comfortable indoor environment. There needs to be an integrated analysis approach for assessing indoor environmental quality, which takes account of the combined effects of positive and negative stress factors in buildings on people, interactions, the preferences and needs of occupants, and dynamics of the environment. The SenseLab has been created to facilitate the understanding of the indoor environment, and it allows students, teachers, researchers, and the general public to experience and test different combinations of environmental conditions.

    Richard de Dear, Ph.D.
    Director, Indoor Environmental Quality Laboratory, University of Sydney


    20 Year Update on ASHRAE’s Adaptive Thermal Comfort Model

    It’s been two decades since ASHRAE’s TC 2.1, Physiology and Human Environment, published its adaptive thermal comfort model (RP-884), which went on to become part of ASHRAE Standard 55 (Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy) in 2004 and was adopted by standards-setting organizations around the world. A 2018 update and expansion of the RP-884 global thermal comfort database prompted a rigorous quality assurance exercise on the first-generation adaptive comfort standards. . Results from comfort questionnaire records validated ASHRAE Standard 55’s current adaptive comfort model for naturally ventilated premises. There was sufficient data to also develop a mixed mode adaptive model closely aligned to the naturally ventilated counterpart, contradicting ASHRAE 55’s current treatment of mixed mode buildings as the same as conventionally air-conditioned buildings. Adaptive comfort effects were observed universally in all regions represented in the 2018 global comfort database, but for comparable outdoor climates, the neutral temperatures in naturally ventilated and air-conditioned buildings in the Asian subset trended 1~2 °C higher than their Western counterpart.

    Mariana Figuiero
    Director of the Lighting Research Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


    Overview of the Health Effects of Light in the Built Environment: More than Just Vision

    Biological rhythms that repeat approximately every 24 hours are called circadian rhythms. Light-dark patterns on the retina help the circadian clock, and thus circadian rhythms, to synchronize with the 24-hour day. If lack of synchrony or circadian disruption occurs, we may experience decrements in physiological functions, neurobehavioral performance, and sleep. Lighting characteristics affecting the circadian system are different than those affecting vision, and yet, all lighting standards and metrics are based on visibility. Humans in the built environment are exposed to constant dim light, rather a robust light-dark pattern typically found outdoors. Data from laboratory investigating how circadian-effective light can improve sleep, mood and behavior in older adults with dementia, office workers, nightshift and dayshift nurses, cancer and patients and traumatic brain injury patients will be presented. This presentation will also discuss what lighting changes are needed in the built environment to promote health and well-being.

    Dr. Benjamin Jones
    Associate Professor, University of Nottingham


    The Acceptability of Air Quality in Domestic Kitchens

    Cooking food is a primary source of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), acrolein, and NO2 in non-smoking homes, which are associated with elevated risks of acute and chronic health effects. Health impact studies show that PM2.5 is the most dangerous indoor pollutant. However, complete source removal is not entirely possible, so the rate that cooking emits these pollutants, cooking and preparation methods, and ventilation strategies used in a domestic kitchen must be evaluated.

    This talk will consider two methods for measuring uncertainty in cooking PM2.5 emission rates and use them to evaluate three ventilation strategies commonly used in domestic kitchens. It will show that using a cooker hood is the most effective ventilation strategy when used during and shortly after cooking. It intends to show that standards should be amended to incorporate required combinations of airflow rates and cooker hood capture efficiencies, and to consider methods of measuring cooker hood capture efficiency. Finally, it will show how simple changes to the way we cook can further minimize exposure to PM2.5.

    Cath Noakes, PhD, FIMechE, FIHEEM
    Professor of Environmental Engineering for Buildings, University of Leeds


    Controlling Infection Risk through Healthcare

    Design Transmission of infection is conventionally regarded as either a human behaviour or a medical challenge, yet the environment can also significantly influence this process. This is particularly the case for airborne transmission of infection, where the physical passage of microorganisms in the air depends on the airflow in building design, and their survival depends on environmental conditions.

    This talk considers the engineering and modelling strategies that can be used to understand the mechanisms for airborne infection and to evaluate the effectiveness of design solutions. Examples from research studies demonstrate models of different types of hospital environments and assess the benefits and limitations of different strategies. This includes considering how to conduct quantitative assessment of infection risk to supplement conventional engineering design analysis on physical aspects such as energy and comfort. The talk considers how research findings may be used to support practice, and where further research is needed to understand both fundamental processes and the real performance of engineering solutions.

    Stephanie Taylor MD, M Architecture, CIC, FRSPH(UK), MCABE
    Taylor Healthcare Consulting, Inc.


    New Research Reveals the Power of Indoor Air Management to Improve Human Health

    A perplexing and costly rise in infection and chronic disease challenges us to understand hidden factors at play. Understanding how the indoor environment influences acute and chronic diseases has lagged behind other research. However, with new genetic analysis tools, our understanding of indoor communities of viruses, bacteria, and fungal organisms improves rapidly. We are learning that indoor air management in mechanically ventilated buildings selects the bacteria and viruses that cause disease, while simultaneously weakening the human immune system. While alarming, this also reveals a new, powerful strategy to curtail viral and bacterial epidemics.

    Studying this intersection of buildings, indoor microbes and humans has become an urgent topic for all of us. Hospitalized patients are at serious risk of new infections from antibiotic-resistant bacteria. In addition, seasonal influenza, or even a viral pandemic, affects everyone who resides in buildings.

    This address shows new research on how properly managed indoor air can suppress infectious microbes, support human immunity and enhance productivity and learning.

  • Steering Committee

    Max Sherman (Co-chair)
    Bill Bahnfleth (Co-chair)
    Don Weekes (IEG-GA)
    Peter Wouters (AIVC)
    Dimitris Charalambopoulos (ASHRAE Hellenic Chapter)
    Chandra Sekhar
    Bjarne Olesen
    Charlene Bayer
    Marwa Zaatari
    Shelly Miller
    Maria Kapsalaki

  • Scientific Committee
    Arnold Janssens Ghent University  Belgium chair
    Joseph Firrantello Envinity Inc. USA co-chair
    Marc Abadie Université de La Rochelle France
    Alireza Afshari Aalborg University Denmark
    James Anthony McGrath National University of Ireland Galway Ireland
    Anita Avery Aerodyne Research, Inc. USA
    William Bahnfleth The Pennsylvania State University USA
    Constantinos Balaras National Observatory of Athens  Greece
    Brandon Boor Purdue University USA
    Wouter Borsboom TNO The Netherlands
    Hilde Breesch KU Leuven Belgium
    Samuel Caillou BBRI Belgium
    Teresa Carrascal IETcc Spain
    Chun Chungyoon Yonsei University Korea
    Marie Coggins NUI Galway Ireland
    Willem de Gids VentGuide The Netherlands
    François Durier CETIAT France
    Steven Emmerich NIST USA
    Laszlo Fulop University of Pécs Hungary
    Sonia Garcia Ortega IETCC, CSIC Spain
    Jaap Hogeling EPB Center, REHVA The Netherlands
    Kevin Houser Oregon State University USA
    Jae-Weon Jeong Hanyang University Korea
    Pär Johansson Chalmers University of Technology Sweden
    Benjamin Jones University of Nottingham UK
    Karel Kabele Czech Technical University in Prague Czech Republic
    Theoni Karlessi University of Athens Greece
    Maria Kolokotroni Brunel University London UK
    Jelle Laverge Ghent University Belgium
    Gaëlle Guyot Cerema France
    Yun Gyu Lee Korea Institute of Construction Technology Korea
    Georgi Ivanov Popov University of Central Missouri (AIHA) United States
    Yuguo Li The University of Hong Kong China
    Pilar Linares Alemparte IETCC, CSIC Spain
    Corinne Mandin CSTB France
    Adeline Melois Cerema France
    Richard Mistrick Penn State University USA
    Constanza Molina Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Chile
    Lidia Morawska Queensland University of Technology Australia
    Bassam Moujalled CEREMA France
    Atila Novoselac The University of Texas United States
    Casquero-Modrego Nuria LBNL United States
    Bjarne Olesen Technical University of Denmark Denmark
    Lorenzo Pagliano Politecnicao di Milano Italy
    Andy Persily NIST USA
    Robyn Phipps Massey University New Zealand
    Manfred Plagmann BRANZ New Zealand
    Ivan Pollet Renson Ventilation Belgium
    Tsvetan Popov University of Central Missouri United States
    Dustin Poppendieck NIST USA
    Irene Poza-Casado GIR Arquitectura&Energía, Universidad de Valladolid Spain
    Carsten Rode Technical University of Denmark Denmark
    Amelia Romero Fernandez IETCC, CSIC Spain
    Mat Santamouris University of New South Wales Australia
    Takao Sawachi Building Research Institute Japan
    Chandra Sekhar National University of Singapore Singapore
    Martin Sharkey National University of Ireland Galway Ireland
    Ulla Haverinen-Shaughnessy Tampere University Finland
    Shinichi Tanabe Waseda University Japan
    Kari Thunshelle SINTEF Norway
    Alkis Triantafyllopoulos ASHRAE Greece
    Erik Uhde Fraunhofer WKI Germany
    Rafael Villar Burke IETCC, CSIC Spain
    Iain Walker LBNL USA
    Paula Wahlgren Chalmers University of Technology Sweden
    Pawel Wargocki Technical University of Denmark Denmark
    Donald Weekes InAir Environmental Ltd. Canada
    Nina Wemken National University of Ireland Galway Ireland
    Hiroshi Yoshino Tohoku University Japan
  • Sponsors
    ASHRAE would like to thank these sponsors for supporting IAQ 2020.


    The headquarter hotel will be the Wyndham Grand Athens located at 2 Megalou Alexandrou St, Athens, Greece 10437.

    Additional hotel accommodation are available across the street from the host hotel at the Wyndham Athens Residence located at 2 4 Achilleos Steet Platias Karaiskaki, Athens, Greece 10437.

    **Hotel room booked with the ASHRAE room block include Buffet Breakfast in the Hotel Restaurant and WiFi Internet in rooms & public areas of the Hotel.**


    >> For the most up-to-date Covid-19 travel requirements for Greece visit here.
